TiddlyWiki user authentication with NGINX auth_requests and Django

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In September I started work on public-notes.muumu.us (since taken down), a project to create a personal knowledge base and publish it on the internet. I chose TiddlyWiki for the project for reasons I outlined in an earlier post, Building an internet-facing TiddlyWiki for my public second brain. TiddlyWiki’s non-hierarchical approach to note taking is unique and I find its ergonomics mesh much better with my thought process than a traditional wiki or something like Evernote. It is one of a very few pieces of software that feels completely effortless to use.

So I chose TiddlyWiki for its great user interface, despite some other deficiencies that made it a less than ideal choice for the project, like only supporting HTTP basic authentication. Using public-notes over the past couple months, the basic auth flow stands out as a real pain point in an otherwise smooth experience. I use Firefox for a browser and Bitwarden as a password manager, on both desktop and mobile, and the user experience for getting through basic auth is frustrating. The basic auth window steals the focus and prevents you from clicking back into the browser, like you’d need to do to grab your password from the Bitwarden plugin, so you need to remember to copy the password before navigating to the site — and since you’re not already on the site, Bitwarden won’t autosuggest it and you’ll have to search for it. If you forget to perform that ritual you will have to cancel out of the basic auth window, perform the rite, and try an incantation of hard refreshes and new private windows to get the authentication box to reappear. On mobile this whole performance is painful enough that I stopped using it altogether.

There has to be a better way to do this. You will find twproxy suggested as a solution on the TiddlyWiki Google Group. It’s a Ruby/Sinatra application that proxies requests to TiddlyWiki and adds authentication. It sounded like a good solution, but I ran into a problem described in an issue on the project’s GitHub where the TiddlyWiki would only render for an instant before throwing a Sync error while processing '$:/StoryList'. I spent an hour or so starting to fix it one Saturday, but fixing that one bug revealed another and I started falling down a rabbit hole of trying to fix outdated dependencies. I lost motivation when I saw there was already a pull request on the project that purported to fix the issue, open and untouched for three months. For what it’s worth, I couldn’t get that PR’s branch working either, and there are no tests.

Ultimately, twproxy didn’t seem like the right approach to me anyway. I already have NGINX set up as a reverse proxy on TiddlyWiki — why do I need another proxy in front of that? After some Googling I found that, using the auth_request module, NGINX can verify each request against an external authentication server before passing it upstream. The article Authentication Based on Subrequest Result from the NGINX Plus Admin Guide explains it well:

NGINX and NGINX Plus can authenticate each request to your website with an external server or service. To perform authentication, NGINX makes an HTTP subrequest to an external server where the subrequest is verified. If the subrequest returns a 2xx response code, the access is allowed, if it returns 401 or 403, the access is denied. Such type of authentication allows implementing various authentication schemes, such as multifactor authentication, or allows implementing LDAP or OAuth authentication.

That sounded like a good solution, but I still needed to find an authentication service to handle verifying the requests. All the existing solutions I found seemed like overkill for my single-user, non-enterprise use case. I didn’t want to set up a Keycloak or a FreeIPA server — I could write something myself more quickly, that was easier to deploy and understand.

So that’s what I did. I made is_authenticated — a very simple Django app that returns a 200 if a user is authenticated and a 401 if they’re not. It relies entirely on Django’s built in user management capabilities. The only real code I wrote is this little function:

def is_authenticated(request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponse('Signed in')
        return HttpResponse('Not signed in!', status=401)

Then I just had to configure NGINX and auth_request to use the service. The authentication service has two endpoints: /auth/, the main application, returns 200 if the user is authenticated and 401 if not; /accounts/login/ is the user log in page. I added location blocks to proxy requests on those endpoints to the authentication service.

location = /auth/ {
    proxy_pass_request_body off;
    proxy_set_header Content-Length "";

location = /accounts/login/ {

The internal keyword tells NGINX this endpoint is not accessible to external requests — a user trying to navigate to https://tiddlywiki.example.com/auth/ will get a 404; only our NGINX proxy can send requests there.

I also drop the request body because the authentication service doesn’t need that data.

Then I updated the location block for TiddlyWiki to use the auth_request module — I have TiddlyWiki running on port 8080 on the same host.

location / {
    error_page 401 = @error401;
    auth_request    /auth/;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

I only added two lines here: auth_request /auth/; tells NGINX that for each request to this location it should send a subrequest to /auth/ to verify if the user is authenticated.

The error_page keyword sets a URI to be presented in the case of an error. In this case, I’m setting NGINX to direct requests to the named location @error401 in the event that a request to this location returns a 401 response — i.e., if the user is not authenticated. Let’s define the @error401 location:

location @error401 {
    return 302 https://$host/accounts/login/;

This means in the event of a 401, we will redirect users to the log in page.

And that’s it. I’ve had it running for a couple weeks now and the user experience is much nicer than basic auth. My password manager works!